If you read Part one of this post (find it here) you'll know I've been struggling with trying to remedy the amount of "bad news" the world has been creating lately, and questioning what actions I can take to offset these negatives. I kept coming back to the Sean McCabe quote: "You will never influence the world by trying to be like it." And you'll never change the world by sitting back and accepting the status quo either. So as the new year kicks off I'm making a concerted effort to ensure the mark I'm leaving is a positive one.
The below is my first Personal project for 2018, and I have to say, as with all my favourite projects, this has been far more about influencing my emotional well being rather than about the end product itself. I hope it inspires you to think outside the box a little and look at the world around you a little differntly.
You'e got to be in it to win it
My art is very much a reaction to the world around me, it's always been a way to balance my mind, creating an internal equilibrium and proving to myself that good things still exist, we just need to focus in on them (or even better; create them ourselves.) So this latest project is my reaction to everything I spoke about in Part one and a way of literally taking the bad news and turning it into something positive, of saying that if we look for the beauty and joy in life we can find it.
These are a sample of the local London newspapers that I have been collecting over the last few months, reimagining the headlines into something a little more upbeat and positive.
Get out of your own head // It's me!
You only live once
I wanted to share these with you in the hopes you might be inspired to look at the world from a different perspective and hunt out the good things too (like you would hunt out a good Instagram shot!) I guarantee that If you look for the good, you'll find it.
I'll be sharing more pieces of #jenandjennifergoodnews over on my instagram as I create them and I'd love you to follow along or even share your own versions of reimagined good news by using the hashtag #jenandjennifergoodnews. It's a great crafternoon activity.
Jen x